Come closer to the breathtaking Bel Ami boys!
European erotica to warm your heart and heat the rest.
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You know when you come to Bel Ami Online that you’ve found a site showcasing some of the most beautiful young men in the world. Members will find frequently updated video, both exclusive and edited from their famous DVDs, along with photos, model info and more. Bel Ami Online is sure to satisfy your lust for European heat.
The site updates with new video several times a week. Video will stream in Flash format in your choice of two speeds or download in Windows Media format.
Overall the quality of the videos is very good and they of course display the tremendous technical expertise of the Bel Ami team: almost perfect light levels, combined with fluid and sensuous videography that gives us all the long-shots, close-ups and poses we could want, and, best of all, cumshots are caught almost every time. May of they guys swap and eat cum!
So many great movies!
Taboo: The Peters Twins, 5 Americans in Prague, Seriously Sexy: Part One, Johan’s Journal Part 3: Sex Lab , Watching Porn, Get It Up, The Private Life of Ralph Woods. Private Moments, Sex Buddies 1, Johan’s Journal Part 2: Eye Candy, Night Out, Love Affairs, Intimate Liaisons, Pin Ups: Oversized, Lemonade , Johan’s Journal Part 1: Sun Kissed , Some Like It Big 2 , Pin Ups: Young & Tender, Personal Trainers, The Private Life of Josh Elliot , French Kiss , Pin Ups: Blondes , Some Like It Big, The Private Life of Brandon Manilow
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The results indicate that heterogeneity of race and heterogeneity of family educational background can increase the achievement of children from weak educational backgrounds with no adverse effect on children from strong educational backgrounds.
I just want people to see that I do my own stuff, that I’m not stupid, and I can make fun of myself.
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Wanna to thank you for interesting content dude. Keep your blog up to date
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Many interesting posts here, i see
To be or not to be?
Where have you ordered a design? Horror (((
When I met my real love((((((
Will there be a doomsday in 2012?
No offense, but the design really is horrible
My dog is sick (((
I am very happy!
And we still have very cold ((((
Tomorrow I finish university!
Hi, man! I am totally agree with that way of thinking and everything connected.
Manchester United – Champion!
To be or not to be?
Good post! thank you
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have an idea on this interesting article, now you will be contacted
All the fun is written
Develops the theme further.
Oputet as interesting in the slides. Wow!
How do you feel about environmental pollution?
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Great human spasbo!
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Good! All would be well written:)
Yeah, in my opinion, this is written on every fence:)
How do you feel about environmental pollution?
Let’s work on renewable energy! What kind of advertising you can provide?
Bel ami staff,
I am not a member of your site because I use my work computer but I own every one of your videos. I just purchased “Indecent Proposals,” the video you did with Falcon. I love your work but this video was terrible, the worst of all video’s I own. It was all style and little connent. Too dark between scenes, leaves in the way of the shots, too much light behind actors in one scene, shorter scenes, not enough closeups, video TV in backgroud was a distraction, did not use Sasha and Jason Knightley well, (no wonder Jason did not use his bel ami name). I watched it once and gave it to a friend who watched it and threw it away. I hope this is not the direction Bel ami production is going. I’m a fan for a long time and look forward to seeing who you will get to replace some of your best stars in recent years like Kris Evans, Sasha, Emmanuel Rios, and Jason Knightley. JD
Thanks for your note! This site is not owned or operated by BEL AMI. I am a “partner” and promote their studio and models. They like to hear all feedback – so I will pass this on to them. I think sometimes when these other studios are involved, the quality is sometimes different – and not what we might expect. Different directors have different ideas and visions. That’s bad the movie was abummer – I have not seen that one – and I guess I wont!
I DID like the new Sex City with Kristen Bjorn. For what that is worth.
thanks for stopping by!
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